Breakfast of Champions

oh yeah...the bob loblaw law blog

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Revolving Door continues

In a little noted news story, the White House nominated a new member of the Culture Ministry (aka the Federal Communications Commission): Robert M. McDowell. I was appalled.

We have heard about the love affair that the WH has had with nominating lobbyists to places the likely would not belong (eg Big Lumber lobbyist to the Forest Service, Christine Todd Whitman to the EPA), but I think this one may be the worst. According, Mr. McDowell is a senior vice president and assistant general counsel at the Competitive Telecommunications Association (CTA), meaning that he represents the likes of Cisco, Qwest, RCN and Tellabs. Notice that all of the verb in that sentance are in the present tense; Mr. McDowell is not taking any type of haitus between these two jobs. Forgetting that there is a precisely zero percent chance that he protects the public from the dangers of media conglomeration (lest we forget, the media is a public trust), one would also have to assume that he would not even fairly represent the Baby Bells, who are the CTA's sworn enemy.

While I am sure that McDowell is has excellent credentials, one would think that in the current climate, the WH would at least try to create a facade of independance in one of our nations key regulatory bodies. I truly believe they have no shame.


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