Breakfast of Champions

oh yeah...the bob loblaw law blog

Monday, November 06, 2006

Eve of the election

(Full disclosure...this is rephrased/negated from an episode of the West Wing but i felt it appropriate...)

Allow me to speak words of a man who in 24 hours will effectively become the former president of the united states. he has sullied, and dishonored his office, the highest in the land, the most powerful in the world.

he has served this country relying only on what is in the shortest-term personal self interest of himself, his business partners, and his presumed friends. and i say this despite our complete disagreement on every substantive matter of public policy. for in the end, the presidency is more than a simple catalog of policies misimplemented, crises ignored, battles fought under false pretenses. it is a stewardship...a sacred trust. a committment to sacrifice every fiber of your being, every thought, every moment, every everything in service to your nation.

president bush has failed at this, in every measurable way. he deserves nothing less than our total contempt, as he has shown no less to america and to the world for nearly 6 years.

thus follows the basis on which i charge you to select officeholders tomorrow. to agree with bush is to be wrong; to oppose his tyranny is to be right for all time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Real quick this am

I'm late for work already, but I just wanted to link to this post on dKos. If you have any friends who are still repugnantcant's, this would be an especially good read for them.