Breakfast of Champions

oh yeah...the bob loblaw law blog

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

New member of the family...

So, I decided to add a new blog...but this one is gonna be a little different.

BoCeatdrink is the place to go to figure out where I've been going out either to dinner or other in New York. The idea for this came from TMQ, who wants to create an online database of places that we've been and liked and places that we want to go.

In other words, the goal here is to get interactive. Unlike the BoC mothership, I'd love to let other people posting on here (as well as commenting of course)...if you think you have something to add to the process of spreading the news of your favorite (or least favorite) places to go, just leave me a comment and i'll consider your request for adminship. Boston people, if you can fill me in on where people are going up there that would be great...I feel really lost when i'm in your neck of the woods these days.

Update: Danny made the astute observation that I did not leave instructions for gaining the power to post on eatdrink...just leave the email address you use for blogspot and i'll set you up.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

What a win!

Tough to say much beyond the obvious about the 47-21 romping we laid down on the Little Sisters of Mercy. Game was not even as close as the score really, just a complete and total drubbing of a theoretical national championship together.

As a Michigan fan, I know by now not to get my hopes too high for the rest of the season, but you can bet i'm gonna take a few days to savor this and not think about Iowa, Wisconsin, MSU or the Buckeyes.


Friday, September 15, 2006

Apologies and the trip to Portugal

Sorry I haven't been around lately to provide my trademark witty prose, but I just spent a week chillin in Spain's Oregon. It was a truly once in a lifetime chance to spend an entire week with Tony Kim, who I only see every week. We made an agreement to have no contact after the trip, lest someone view our relationship as just a "bit too close". Which it is.

I'd love to post some pictures of the trip here, but one of my many faults is that I never remember to bring a camera to I need to wait for a copy of somebody else's; and dammit this is the perfect time to go wax multimedia on the BoC.

Other than being in Lisbon, we spent 2 days in the southern Portugal resort town of Lagos. Important to remember that an "o" in Portuguese is almost always pronounced "oo" and an "s" is pronounced "sh" so instead of going to the capital of Nigeria ("la-gohs"), we went to "La-goosh". Out of any number of drunken expoits that occurred there, let me relate the greatest ever bar gimmick I have ever come across.

Lagos is strictly a town for tourists, and despite recent development it still caters to a decent group of backpackers and other youth types. Who we avoided by staying in the only 4-star hotel in town. So the last night we're there we step into this dive bar and see a funnel in use...good sign. But then on the wall, we chalk...a running tally BY COUNTRY of the number of recent beer bongs. Australia was way ahead with about 500 (it was an aussie bar)...the US and Canada were neck and neck for second just short of 200. THK, JAP and I decide that we are going to beat the Canadians, at least that night. So all the non-soon-to-be-grooms in the crowd start to funnel. After a few each, it starts getting competitive to kill the bong with the greatest possible speed, this being a competition at which I am quite adept.

After completing what would prove to be my last funnel, I give a quick high-five to the aussies (they had a similar competition against the kiwis on the night), and turn back to the bar only to get a face full of foam. According to the bartender, I had not finished my beer. Was there foam left in the tube? Of course. Beer? 1/2 inch MAX. But hey it's their bar and rules are rules. I take it like a man and start bitching to the bartenders, and apparently start getting a bit aggressive. So I get tossed out.

But I've been tossed out of nicer places.