100th out of 100
So I was recently asked which current Senator I most wanted to see defeated this year. My questioner, clearly expecting Santorum or Allen and were incredibly surprised when I brought out our old friend, the junior senator from Connecticut. Simply put, no one member of the Senate would do more to slow down the agenda of Progressivism and Change in the 110th congress; no one member would do more to ensure the rubber stamping of the administration.
For evidence of the fact that Joseph Lieberman is not a Democrat, just read the Hartford Courant (or look at the main link summary on the dKos). Despite the fact that Lieberman has stated in a highly equivocal matter that he intends to caucus with the Dems, he claims to have no view on the gubernatorial race on CT and, more importantly, NO OPINION AS TO WHO SHOULD CONTROL THE HOUSE. Simply put, while disagreeing with the party line on occasion is reasonable, no lawmaker should be considered a member of a political party unless he/she believes that their party should control both houses of congress. If you are a lawmaker, and do not believe the Democrats should control the house, you are NOT A DEMOCRAT. Please repeat this to everybody you know, especially registered voters in CT.
To repeat, the worst possible situation in the senate would be to take 6 seats but lose LIE-berman's (we call this the 50+1 scenario). This would then in effect leave Little Joe the ability to determine control of the chamber, a position that he would translate into chairmanship (GOP or Dem) of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee...the exact committee that would likely have primary responsibility in subpoenaing Joe's best friends, members of the Chimp Administration. This can not be allowed to happen. This prima donna can not be given veto-power over great democratic senators like Webb, Tester and Brown. This election can not be lost because one man can not accept that his time in the spotlight has come to an end.
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