Breakfast of Champions

oh yeah...the bob loblaw law blog

Saturday, August 19, 2006

The magic numbers

Seven. Fifteen.

These are two numbers that should be on your mind full time from now until November. They are the exact number of Senate and House seats that we must pick up in order to relieve our nation from its current tyrranic rulers. Some people say that we need 6 senate seats - but if you read the BoC a touch closer, you will learn that Leiberman is NOT a democrat, so Lamont in CT-SEN would be a pickup.

I added a link to my page on ActBlue, which is a clearinghouse for contributions to Democratic candidates. That page is still under construction; I will soon add comments as to why these seats are important and why I specifically chose them for everlasting fame by appearing on another website that I assume will be similarly lightly-visited. Also, you'll see some other links to contribute at the bottom of this page.

Highly recommend you take a look - and if you actually contribute that would be great! If you have a candidate with solid progressive credentials you want me to add just leave a comment and I'll consider it. If you have an ActBlue page you want me to link to, same deal.

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