Breakfast of Champions

oh yeah...the bob loblaw law blog

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Right Wing Conspiracy or Just a Coincidence?

I wanted to post on the US Gulag Creation Act of 2006, but I held off despite the fact that the truly despicable thing got almost no press.

I wanted to post on Foley, but that's gotten a lot of press and I definitely can't add much.

But this one affected me personally so I wanted to put it up.

For those of you in the vast majority who don't quite get what I do for a living, let me simplify it by saying that it leaves a little bit of time during the day for a bit of internet surfing. JPM company policy is something like "reasonable personal use" which I take to mean checking baseball scores, paying bills and reading DailyKos and some other political stuff. Today, I try to log onto dKos...and I get denied by the "secure computing" daemon. I figure it is either a) some kind of error or b) JPM being super worry-ish about what their employees are looking at.

Get home to get my fill of the Daily, and i find this little guy in the recco diaries. For those of you who read my site but are too lazy to try out the links (yes i know that's redundant) basically dKos got added to Secure Computing's site (which would filter down to my getting shut out at work) as containing Profanity and "Mature". I can only assume "Mature" means that its posters generally don't engage in infantile activities like calling their political opponents unpatriotic or hitting on 16-year-old male employees (ok i had to get 1 in).

Funny thing is...comparable sites on the conservative side...and when i say comparable i mean wonderful publications like RedState, LGF and RUSH LIBAUGH's homepage are NOT listed by Secure Computing. Now, admittedly dKos has probably been a touch R-rated over the last 3 days, but then again so have all the majors. I don't know how sites get listed on Secure Computing, but I suggest you go to this link for Secure Computing and fill out the form to state in no uncertain terms that dKos is invaluable part of the global media...and the ability of them to get their information out at places of employment is critical for freedom of speech.

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